MGWCC #833 — Friday, May 17th, 2024 — “Accentuate the Negative”


Title: “Name-Dropping” by Matt G.
Prompt: This week’s contest answer is an American athlete who has won many medals at the Summer Olympics.
Answer: MARK SPITZ, found by 302 solvers, 234 of which were solo solves

Notice that byline: “Matt G.” — highly unusual, but repeated on the copyright so not a mistake. What could it mean? Let’s take a look at our theme entries:

17-A: [Beloved crooner] = TONY BENNETT
24-A: [U.S. president of the 19th century] = JAMES MONROE. A little sus, since that’s a pretty meh way to describe an especially influential U.S. president.
34-A: [Member of the Cars, part of whose name is often seen in crosswords] = BENJAMIN ORR. This one’s pretty specific, on the other hand, that second part really narrowing things down.
44-A: [“thirtysomething” actor] = PETER HORTON. Not a typo on that first letter of the title! It was stylized as all-lowercase.
52-A: [“The Big Lebowski” actor] = JEFF BRIDGES. Everyone has that one famous movie that they’ve never seen and people always go “What?! You’ve never seen [insert title here]?” “The Big Lebowski” is mine. Seen many clips tho.

So what’s going on? Let’s put the two suspicious aspects we’ve run into together: We’ve got “by Matt G.” as the byline and then we’ve got some very vaguely-worded theme clues that could be pointing to a different person than the answer celebrity. The first one that popped out for many solvers was 34-A, since Ric Ocasek was the longtime lead singer of the Cars and his first name is a frequent guest in crosswords.

Give his name the “Matt G.” treatment and you get “Ric O.” — and hey, there’s RICO in the grid at 20-Across. We have caught the rabbit!

The others work the same way:

17-A: [Beloved crooner] could be TONY BENNETT but also MEL TORME, and we have MELT at 36-A
24-A: [U.S. president of the 19th century] could be JAMES MONROE but also ABE LINCOLN, and we have ABEL at 50-A
34-A: The aforementioned [Member of the Cars, part of whose name is often seen in crosswords] = BENJAMIN ORR, but could also be RIC OCASEK, and we have RICO at 20-Across
40-A [“thirtysomething” actor] could be PETER HORTON, but also KEN OLIN, and we have KENO in the grid at 15-A
52-A: [“The Big Lebowski” actor] could be JEFF BRIDGES, but also SAM ELLIOTT, and SAME is in the grid at 22-A

The first letters of those five (MELT/ABEL/RICO/KENO/SAME) spell the word MARKS. What multi-gold-winning U.S. Summer Olympian does that lead to? Repeat the theme trick once more to find contest answer MARK SPITZ, found by 302 solvers.

Meta – World Peace says:

Much as I’d like to give you “full” MARKS this week, Matt, that just seems to go against the spirit of the puzzle.

Tyler Hinman says:

Well that took entirely too [redacted] long. Looking forward to seeing myself in the first-initial-last-name version.

Where he would be the THIN MAN, of course…

Danny K Bernstein says:

That went swimmingly.

And finally, JrMan says:

I am old enough for Spitz’s name to have been the first to come to mind when I initially read the meta clue.

I was born just after the 1972 Olympics, so I don’t remember this at all of course. What’s Mark S. doing these days? Still swimming!

And now, everyone out of the pool! Time for this week’s meta…

This puzzle’s contest answer, which is seven letters long, is what meta-crossword instructions should not be.

Good luck!

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